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تأسست شركة Liming Heavy Industry في عام 1987 ، وتقع في منطقة Pudong الجديدة ، شنغهاي ، الصين ، وتغطي أكثر من 200000 متر مربع بما في ذلك العديد من الشركات التابعة. يتعلق العمل الرئيسي بالعديد من المجالات ، مثل تكسير المناجم ، وسحق المباني ، والطحن ، وصنع الرمل ، والتكسير المتنقل ، وما إلى ذلك. الكسارة ، الكسارة المخروطية الهيدروليكية عالية الكفاءة من سلسلة HPT ، المطحنة الأوروبية شبه المنحرفة MTW ، المطحنة العمودية LM ، المطحنة الأسطوانية العمودية فائقة الدقة من سلسلة LUM ، الكسارة الصدمية ذات المحور الرأسي VSI5X ، ومعدات نظام VU.

يجلب Liming عددًا كبيرًا من المواهب الذكية والإبداعية معًا الذين يقدمون منتجات مبتكرة باستمرار. أخذت الشركة زمام المبادرة في الحصول على شهادة نظام الجودة الدولية ISO9001: 200 ، وشهادة الاتحاد الأوروبي CE وشهادة GOST الروسية ، وقد حصلت على 106 براءة اختراع وطنية بما في ذلك 4 براءات اختراع ، و 12 براءة اختراع تصميم و 90 براءة اختراع لنماذج المنفعة حتى الآن. إلى جانب ذلك ، هناك العديد من الجوائز مثل جوائز العلوم والتكنولوجيا في صناعة الآلات الصينية ، وجوائز الإنجاز العلمي والتكنولوجي في المقاطعات ، والمنتجات الصناعية الموفرة للطاقة في قائمة شرف ليمينغ.

من أول جهاز خروج تم تركيبه وتصحيحه بنجاح في كازاخستان إلى أول خط ذكي لتصنيع الرمل يعمل بسلاسة في المملكة العربية السعودية ، قدمت Liming خدماتها لـ 140 دولة ومنطقة ، مثل روسيا وكازاخستان وأذربيجان وتركيا والكويت وجنوب إفريقيا ومصر ، لا يمكن تجاهل فيتنام وماليزيا والهند وأستراليا وكوريا وكندا والاتحاد الأوروبي ، وما إلى ذلك ، وقوة الشركة في آلات التعدين العالمية بعد الآن.

رسالة عبر الإنترنت

مرحبا هل يمكنني مساعدتك؟

social impact of concrete blocks

  • Environmental impacts and decarbonization strategies in the cement

    2020年9月22日  Introduction Concrete, a synthetic rock composed of cement, sand, gravel and water, is the fundamental building block of the urbanizing world, and by far the most 2022年2月1日  In sustainability assessment, current study introduced fire resistance, social impact and labor efficiency as an additional parameter to enhance ESI Cementless An experimental study and sustainability assessment of

  • Sustainability of Concrete Structures Wiley Online Library

    2021年12月1日  importance Concrete mixes, concrete products and concrete structures should be designed to reduce negative impacts and to increase positive effects on the 2024年1月5日  Abstract Concrete block production significantly contributes to environmental degradation A thorough understanding of its ecological implications is Analysis of environmental performance indicators for concrete block

  • Ecological impact assessment of sustainable concrete paver blocks

    2023年5月20日  Ecological impact assessment of sustainable concrete paver blocks based on endpoint damage categories ScienceDirect Article preview Abstract Introduction 2020年12月26日  The study analysed the impact of different mixed timber building structures on three different categories of environment, economy and society The Environmental, Economic and Social Impact Assessment:

  • Sustainable strategies for reducing environmental impact in concrete

    2023年12月1日  Read this article This study delves into the environmental impact of concrete block manufacturing, focusing on embodied energy, CO 2 emissions, and water 2022年11月1日  Cement and concrete are essential building blocks of our modern society Because of their abundant resources, easy operation, durability, and versatility, they are How does concrete and cement industry transformation

  • Concrete Structures and Their Impacts on Climate Change

    2022年2月9日  Concrete Structures and Their Impacts on Climate Change and Water and Raw Material Resource Depletion Research paper Open access Published: 09 2020年4月1日  The researchers created concrete hollow blocks (CHB) at three different percentage of rice husk (RH) powder addition from 0%, 5%, and 10% development of social housing in rapidly developing A Comparative Study of Concrete Hollow Blocks

  • Ecological impact assessment of sustainable concrete paver blocks

    2023年5月20日  In this study, four types of concretes eg, traditional concrete, fly ashbased blended concrete and two geopolymer concretes (one with only fly ash as precursor, second with binary blend of fly ash and sugarcane bagasse as precursor) were prepared for the production of paver blocks and comparison of their ecological impacts thereof which 2021年1月7日  The environmental impact of concrete Concrete is now the most widely used manufactured material on the planet It has shaped so much of our built environment, but this comes at a massive Building the modern world: Concrete and our

  • (PDF) Recycling of Waste Coconut Shells as Substitute

    2017年1月6日  Finally, cement hollow blocks reinforced with CFs and coconut shells are lightweight and have higher average loadbearing capacity, stress, and compressive strength, and better thermal insulation 2021年11月17日  Orange = ceramic blocks are the most advantageous; gray = concrete blocks are the most advantageous; yellow = less than 5% difference between the total Resource Depletion impacts from ceramic and concrete blocks; 100% Default—represents that the truck is loaded with 100% of its capacity and returns full; 50% Concrete vs Ceramic Blocks: Environmental Impact Evaluation

  • Concrete: Engineering Society through Social Spaces – Impact

    Origin of Concrete As far back as the sixth millennium (6000–5000 BCE), the ancient Mesopotamians knew that heating calcium carbonate, a substance occurring naturally in limestone rocks, creates a new substance, known today as quicklime, in a process described chemically as CACO₃ + heat (1000° C) =CO₂ + CaO2009年1月1日  The manufacturing of concrete, however, also makes it one of the most detrimental materials for 2 the environment [6] A typical concrete mixture consists of 12% Portland cement, 34% sand, 28% (PDF) Environmental Impact of Concrete ResearchGate

  • How and Why You Should Use Concrete Blocks As Your Building

    1 天前  Concrete blocks and concrete walls are great noise insulators, therefore they are the best building material for shared spaces such as dorms, apartment complexes, and many more This means they provide the residents with privacy and improves the user’s experience to a great extent The insulative properties of concrete blocks do not end at 2018年1月10日  This life cycle assessment evaluates the environmental impacts of two emergent masonry blocks designed to serve as sustainable replacements for conventional masonry blocks The emergent blocks offer the same strength, durability, and form as conventional structural concrete blocks, and include hollow cores to enable placement of Life cycle assessment of emergent masonry blocks

  • A study on environmental and economic impacts of using

    2017年9月1日  An environmental impact comparison of normal concrete with the use of marble powder as partial replacement of cement and sand is carried out using the UMBERTO NXT life cycle analysis software with ReCipe midpoint and endpoint methods Finally, a detailed cost analysis study has been performed to justify the use of marble 2023年10月20日  Concrete blocks, a staple in construction, have shaped the skylines of cities worldwide However, their production and use come with environmental implications In this blog, we’ll delve into the environmental footprint of concrete blocks and explore sustainable alternatives and practices that aim to mitigate their impact on the planet The The Environmental Impact of Concrete Blocks: Sustainable

  • Impact of Concrete Quality on Sustainability ScienceDirect

    2015年1月1日  How to make sustainability concrete 21 Social Impact Without durable infrastructure such as roads, highways, rail networks, wharf and port facilities, the word’s economies would grind to a halt Concrete enables these facilities to be built economically, which has an inherent 756 Gideon H Kusuma et al / Procedia Engineering 125 2021年7月9日  This study handled the costefficiency to analyze the economic and social impact for jointed concrete rigid pavement and hot mix asphalt flexible pavement under the category of main trunk road in Ethiopia and was used that have roughly the same functionality Moreover, the economic analysis result together with the qualitative Sustainable roadway construction: Economic and social impacts

  • (PDF) Sustainable Building Materials for Lowcost

    2017年1月1日  Examples and Lessons Regarding Bamboo, EarthBlock T echnologies, Building Blocks of Recycled Materials, and Improved Concrete Panels J Archit Eng Tech 6: 187 doi: 104172/21689717年2月1日  In sustainability assessment, current study introduced fire resistance, social impact and labor efficiency as an additional parameter to enhance ESI Cementless paver blocks ranked third sustainability score, indicating environmental performance better than concrete blocks and burnt clay bricksAn experimental study and sustainability assessment of

  • Development of Concrete Hollow Blocks from Pulverized

    2020年4月15日  InternationalJournalofScienceandResearch(IJSR) ISSN:23197064 ResearchGateImpactFactor(2018): SJIF(2018):7426 Volume8Issue4, April2019 2021年1月1日  Coarse and fine RCA can replace up to 60% natural aggregates ie queried limestone for manufacturing of paver blocks Soutsos et al [12] Fresh concrete waste can be used for production of partition concrete blocks, which increased the compressive strength and decreased the density of the blocks by increasing the water absorption as studied by Impact of recycled concrete aggregate on mechanical and


    2015年6月17日  AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF A CONCRETE BLOCK PAVEMENT WITH A SAND SUBBASE Authors: SD BARBER, AA LILLEY, J KNAPTON, JW BULL Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 69, Issue 4, 1 Dec 1980 (1067–1070) USE OF NONWOVEN FABRICS IN 2022年7月12日  This study deals with an innovative type of protection structure for gravitydriven natural hazards such as landslides (slope failures, rockfalls, etc) consisting of a vertical wall made up of interconnected concrete blocks This type of articulated structure presents many advantages including reduced footprint, versatility and easy maintenance Experimental and Numerical Impact Responses of an

  • (PDF) Application of LCA in concrete blocks for the

    2018年6月1日  The social impact reveals that the block manufactured with recycled aggregate tends to have a negative influence on health, since it uses more cement, but an additional production of two units is 2017年7月17日  The cement–bamboo frame technology reduced the environmental impact by 744% and the soil–cement block technology by 352%, compared with the conventional concrete house The concrete Environmental performance of social housing in

  • Impact of incorporating recycled glass on the ScienceDirect

    2020年10月30日  Impact of incorporating recycled glass on the photocatalytic capacity of paving concrete blocks In addition to the possible improvement in the photocatalytic activity of concrete blocks, these pavements can become more environmentally friendly by helping to mitigate waste of materials such as glass Glass is a material that can be 2017年10月1日  The related savings on raw materials are up to 120 t of water per 1000 t of traditionally mixed foamed concrete and up to 350 t of sand per 1000 t of foamed concrete produced with intensive mixing (PDF) The environmental impacts of foamed

  • Mechanical performance and environmental impacts of

    2021年4月15日  The largesize aggregates used in this study included DCBs and natural granite rocks, which as shown in Fig 2 ranged from 80 to 150 mm in size The DCBs were obtained from the demolished concrete of Grade C25 (ie, 28day compressive strength of cubic specimens with dimensions of 150 × 150 × 150 mm), which was made in the 1990s2022年7月25日  Ngo et al, (2020) did research on designing a soil concrete utilising hemp The influence of clay and hemp amounts on soil concrete was investigated by the authors depict the effects of clayey soil and hemp fibres on compressive strength after 7, 28, and 180 days of curing at 20 °C and 90–100% relative humidityA comprehensive review on the use of hemp in concrete

  • The Environmental Impacts of Concrete MEKA

    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF CONCRETE Concrete is the most common construction material used in building industry On average approximately 1 ton of concrete is produced each year for every human being in the world Significance of concrete production in terms of carbondioxide emissions: social and environmental impacts”, Politeknik Dergisi In smaller projects, this difference is likely to have minimal impact, but concrete blocks offer superior strength Concrete blocks should offer around 100 years of performance, whereas clay bricks can offer up to 500 Weight: Concrete blocks are heavy, with one block weighing around 20kg Clay bricks are lighter and also smaller, making them Concrete Blocks Guide Types, Benefits and Uses Explained

  • (PDF) Analysis of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks

    2020年7月15日  Analysis of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks with Reference to its Potential and Sustainability July 2020 Journal of Building Materials and Structures 7(2):76年2月9日  Moreover, the environmental impacts of cement production can be divided into three categories: global, regional, and local, as follows: a) CO 2 emissions contribute to global environmental impacts (PDF) Impacts of Cement Industry on Environment An Overview

  • Sustainability Free FullText Environmental and Social Impact

    2020年5月22日  Most of the definitions of sustainability include three basic pillars: economic, environmental, and social The economic pillar has always been evaluated but not necessarily in the sense of economic sustainability On the other hand, the environmental pillar is increasingly being considered, while the social pillar is weakly

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